برای اطلاع از سایت و عضویت شما همراهان گرامی لطفا آدرس ایمیل + شماره همراه تان را به شماره 09377702527 اس ام اس نمائید
- ۳۸۴۶
پایگاه اینترنتی توسعه گردشگری ایرانگردی و جهانگردی مکانی برای فعالان صنعت گردشگری و اصناف وابسته
برای اطلاع از سایت و عضویت شما همراهان گرامی لطفا آدرس ایمیل + شماره همراه تان را به شماره 09377702527 اس ام اس نمائید
Becoming a self-made millionaire is no easy task. Yet, for the individuals who have accomplished this major feat in the past, the process involves following a few set rules like these or guidelines that have proven to help self-made professionals, no matter what industry they may be in. If you have your sights focused on a life as a self-made millionaire then consider these rules to live by.
Terrible experiences can make for great lessons. Working for a terrible boss is stressful and unpleasant. Yet, you can grow a great deal from the experience if you reflect on your work. With the proper mindset, we can learn leadership lessons from saints and sinners. Here are some lessons you can learn from your terrible bosses.